the path

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where have we been?

Well, funny you asked. You'll have to excuse our negligence with no substantial posts for some weeks--we were nursing hangovers from our photo shindig--but we think you'll be proud of our latest exploits.  These include schmoozing with the creme de la creme of SF's bicycle advocates at the SFBC's Golden Wheel Awards:

Bike shopping yet again for Libby. She first discovered that her picture-perfect aerodynamic '91 Masi racing bike was not steel as was alleged by the craigslist post, and then she found a crack in the stem!  She let it roll off her back, though, and made a late-in-the-game purchase of last year's steel Fuji Finest, which we'll attempt to build on our own, with the Shimano 600 components from the Masi. Victory is ours in the end!

But first, the Fuji needs a paint job. I mean, it has a website printed on the frame. And at that, Lindsay's old-school sparkle-black Specialized could use a little brush-up with the old rattle-can as well. So (drumroll) we're painting our bikes!  Check back to watch them change into shiny beauties!

And of course, we're up to our usual no good: making offensive T-shirts and wearing them to large-scale public events (luckily surrounded by thousands of cyclists--i.e. Critical Mass SF):

Please note: If these shirts offend you, that means you're gay. Or, of course, you're a car. Same thing.

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